First stable version with easy deployment

To deploy this instance, you will need:

  • Docker engine installed and running.
  • A Zerotier VPN network -> ZEROTIER_NETWORK
  • A directory on the host machine to hold the Minio buckets -> DATA_PATH
  • A random encryption key (can be easily generated with python (cryptography.fernet.Fernet.generate_key()) -> ENCRYPTION_KEY

Use these and complete the value assignments of example.env to create a .env file for your deployment.

Run docker-compose up -d

Open localhost:8000, define the admin user of lakefs and test the deployment by creating a sample repository. The storage namespace should be s3://lakefs.

Accept this deployments connection to the Zerotier network on the VPN's admin console and note down its IP address.

Send out instructions to other users with zerotier-client installation and network ID for them to join it. Create their user (Don't forget to set their read-write access level accordingly) in LakeFS and include their credentials in that message. You will have to accept each of their client requests in zerotier's admin console. After that they can connect to port 8000 on the deployment IP address and log in into LakeFS.